First-Authored Paper
CodeImprove: Program Adaptation for Deep Code Models. Ravishka Rathnasuriya, Zijie Zhao, Wei Yang (Paper Under Review)
An Investigation on Numerical Bugs in GPU Programs Towards Automated Bug Detection. Ravishka Rathnasuriya, Nidhi Majoju, Zihe Song, Wei Yang (Paper Under Review)
SoK: A Taxonomy of Efficiency Attacks in Dynamic Deep Learning Systems. Ravishka Rathnasuriya. Mirazul Haque, Simin Chen, Zihe Song, Tingxi Li, Jaseaong Lee, Wei Yang (Paper Under Review).
An Empirical Study on Automated Oracle Generation for Testing Deep Learning Application. Ravishka Rathnasuriya, Simin Chen, Wei Yang (Completed Draft).
Co-Authored Paper
An Empirical Investigation into the Practical Utility of Android Record & Replay Tools
Testing Hateful Speeches against Policies.
On Going Research Projects
I am leading the following projects currently.
Adapting Code Inputs for Large Language Models.
Input Validation for Code Data on Code-based Models.
Fixing Code Inputs via LLM Explainability.
Efficiency Robustness of Dynamic Deep Learning Systems.